Board meeting report - November 2018
Aida board Meeting Report November 4 ,2018
Attending : Absent:
Carla Hanson Pim Vermeulen
Alex Russu Uros Kojic
Vedran Milat
Brian Crossland
Alex Ursu
Christian Foetinger
Denys Rylov
Vedran, Treasurer, presented the budget for the upcoming year 2019. The budget will be sent to the Assembly for review and approval vote in mid- November.
The assembly will be asked for input. Vedran had asked for volunteers for a budget committee early in 2018 but received no responses or volunteers. Vedran noted that a request for support for the Blue Element Competition was received and approved. Alex Russu requested that we establish first a criteria for support for competitions which will include several elements: number of competitors, judge course, media coverage, and marketing for Aida, Aida development target location, and contribution to Aida promotion overall. This particular competition will be making instructional judging photos and videos and a commercial for Aida .
Brian , Education Officer, said the Aida 4 star course is in its final stage of production and requested a small budget for photos to enhance the course. The request was approved. He informed us that his trip to East Asia went very well. A successful instructor seminar was held in Taiwan. He also distributed many shirts for instructors and judges. (old stock design).
There were several complaints in regards to an Aida instructor but the courses in question were not Aida courses. It was suggested that the Education department contact the instructor and remind him that he is representing Aida at all times and should behave accordingly.
A discussion took place regarding the safety course and certification. A suggestion was made that a list of certified safety divers and recommended trained depth competition safety divers should be compiled and added to Aida resources on the website. Carla will also add a list of recommended competition medics and experienced organizers.
Alex Ursu voiced his opinion about how to add the proposed bi-fins discipline to the Aida database. Pim, Technical officer , will be consulted for a recommendation.
Alex also requested that the Board re-address the request to the Assembly for financial support in the form of a small stipend for Aida volunteers and Board members. The workload has been increasing steadily and workers are getting harder to find who can afford the time required to perform the duties without receiving remuneration.
In relation to this topic of payment , Christian, judge responsible, said he will be submitting a request for funds to implement an interface for judges.
Alex Russu, Vice-President reported that all votes from the Assembly in the most recent vote request were positive. He also said that all the required information is now with the Swiss attorneys and we should be receiving the confirmation of status shortly. Alex also provided more information on the newly activated Assembly tool . Carla posted the notice on FB and it was received with great enthusiasm. Alex noted that the vote function will be implemented shortly and should be ready for the December votes. Assembly representatives will be instructed to vote via this means rather than email in their vote.
Carla, President., stated that she posted a request on Facebook for volunteers and the official request to the Assembly for officer election should be sent out ASAP. Alex R. and Carla will send out the information this week. It was noted that some IT volunteers had sent in emails offering their services and Alex U will contact them to enlist their services.
Denys, Media & PR, reported that he has a contact for a new underwater drone company and will send information . He also said that he has a company interested in sponsoring judge and instructor shirts. Alex U was asked if Amazon Fulfillment services could be enlisted to handle orders and distribution. The biggest problem with the shirts is not manufacturing but distribution.
Please contact : board@aidainternational with any questions or concerns.