Board Meeting Report - April 2018

Published: 05/04/2018

Board Meeting Report March 31, 2018

Attending :

CarlaSue Hanson 4/4                                    

Alexandru Russu 4/4

Veran MIlat   4/4

Brain Crossland 4/4

Uros Kotic 4/4

PIm Vermuelen  3/4

Oleg Melikhov

Absent ;Yuriy Rakhmatlullin


The Aida Board met via skype call on March 31, 2018.

Vedran stated that our finances are solid and he said we need to reach targets and spend wisely. Any changes can be made in an amendment and proposed to the Assembly. The financial statements for 2017 are currently being consolidated and once they are reviewed by the accountants , the statement will be available for review by the Assembly .

Vedran and Alex R. discussed a plan to offer financial support for both top competitions and those organized by smaller groups.  Vedran suggested that we initiate a pilot program to offer a €500 grant contribution to national championships . All eligible nationals may apply but must demonstrate a dedicated media plan to promote Aida and have a minimum number of national participants. Vedran also suggested that larger competitions might also apply to receive a contribution to facilitate Aida awareness and visibility in high-profile areas . The Board voted to approve the pilot program.

Brian presented a comprehensive report from the education department:


AIDA 4 Course  - ongoing and in the final stages of being complete prior to a twelve week review and publication process deadline 1 June

AIDA Instr Course - now out for content review by 6 IT's, -  after all of the changes then we will put into publishing software ready for final 3 stage review

AIDA Safety freediver course -  Team being formed incl technical, safety and medical and new course out line submitted for review

EOS - Functional specification being prepared ready for replacement system.

Translations - Translation officer (Sun Choi) now appointed to manage the translations of materials into 12 languages, Person responsible has been identified. trying to define process for translation

French in review, Polish in review, Spanish just submitted for review, Portuguese  just commenced, Croatian just commenced. work being undertaken on Chinese, Arabic and Russian Need to agree plans for German and finish

Publications - CI needs reviewing in line with MS fonts and template files for word and power-point need creating

Surveys - License for Survey Monkey now purchased and advertisement in next newsletter for survey officer position will be posted

Website - Education now on website, poling for what else needs to be on website will commence in the next newsletter

Insurance - Liability insurance for China, Mexico and Chile now available. Soon AIDA In-depths branded insurance will be available

Procedures - Instructor Standards Currently being rewritten, await poling data that will be collected as part of the next newsletter to determine changes required.


Oli Christen has retired from EC to concentrate on the delivery of AIDA 4 course with new deadline of June 1.

Agata Bogus has been approached to take up position on EC

Brian said he needs more people for the EC- anyone instructors who are interested; please contact Brian


Pim submitted the status report from the Technical Committee . Much work is in progress in this department in conjunction with the medical and safety committees. The rules update is 99% completed. Webinars are being planned to discuss the new rules once they are in place. It is important that judges and athletes understand the changes.

Outlines have been started for renewal exams for judges (both theory and video)

A project to improve quality control for judges and organizers is in the in very beginning stages and brain storming

Video tutorials for rules/subjects have been started.

The TC, MC, EC and SC are discussing some important subjects together and we work combine our forces to create safety freediver course, etc. Pim also stated that they are working on an yearly online judge renewal course and test. He asked for a rules change to allow Aida to request official footage from competitions to be used for video tutorials.


Uros noted that the plans with Diveye are being finalized and a proposal will be submitted for the Pool World Championships very shortly .

Many manufacturers are offering prizes in addition to the cash prizes from Aida. All plans are on track and the registration is proceeding.

An offer from a promotion company was discussed and Carla agreed to contact them to investigate the offer. Carla also said that she would be meeting with the Deeper Blue .


Alex R. - Assembly Tool integrated payment functionality for the National renewal is ready and today is uploading on the AIDA server. 

- I made the request to Studio33 for the easy to use templates (Word template for the Competition Rules and a PowerPoint template for the courses and any other general presentations)

- I put Jeremy in contact with Andre Malek and asked him to prepare a support for the Board to chose between the registration options we have (Cayman or Switzerland) 

- I asked Christian to write down the modifications he needs in the Judge system so he can effectively fulfill the JR dutties. The plan is now ready and entering the implementation phase (tender for the IT providers) 


I would like to ask again the other officers to do the same and fix their part of the system in order to be confortable with the tasks of their roles . Alex sent a request to the Assembly asking for IT assistance on the needed fixes and improvements to the website. Alex also  noted that uploading is very difficult and we need to buy more space for storage. The overload is causing system break downs.


Oleg gave the report from the medical committee. The updated forms for incidents and doping are completed and approved. The upcoming recommendations for loss of consciousness during diving are in the final stages with contributions from the technical and safety committees. Oleg asked for an agenda for his committee for new projects. The items includes a list of required equipment for the competition medic, injury management , and safety diver medical team training ( program by Kerry Hollowell and Tom Ardavany). Carla has also requested a squeeze evaluation guideline and noted that requests have been submitted from 2 groups to help obtain AEDs. Juan Valdivia will investigate the costs and feasibility of acquiring the AEDs.


Carla reported that Jeremy has been in contact with the Swiss attorney and is making a recommendation on the best route to proceed with the registration. Some information on costs needs to be obtained before a decision can be made. Carla then asked each Board member to submit candidates for the Disciplinary Committee. The Board will vote on the candidates and submit the 2018 committee members to the Assembly for approval. Efforts will be made to nominate ethical persons with integrity and who represent diversified regions and experience.


Following requests from AIDA Russia for support concerning member registrations and changes in the athletes accounts, Alex Russu is proposing a series of short webinars for all those interested on what can be done on the AIDA system in this moment. The first proposed date is Saturday the 14th of April at 9:30am UTC/GMT. All those interested are requested to inform Alex by mail ("

Please mark your calendars !


Any questions or comments please contact us directly :

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