Call for Safety Divers: Join the Team for the 33rd AIDA Freediving Depth World Championship in Corsica

Published: 13/05/2024

AIDA is selecting a team of 12 safety divers for the upcoming 33rd AIDA Freediving Depth World Championship, which will take place in Corsica in September 2024.


Where: the competition will take place in Ajaccio, Corsica, France.

When: the safety team is expected on-site on September 2nd, and will leave on September 16th, 2024.

Team size: 12 safeties (8 seniors, 4 juniors).


Applicants with high-level safety training combined with extensive practical experience in multiple big events (i.e. World Championship-level competitions) may be eligible for senior positions. These profiles will mostly operate on the main competition lines, taking care of high-risk dives and interventions.


Extensive safety training and some practical experience is expected from junior profiles as well. These profiles will mostly take care of warmup lines and help on the main ones under the supervision of senior members of the team (Chief of Safety and safety Team Leaders).


Economic treatment: full board accommodation is offered to the entire safety team + a stipend/reimbursement (2000€ for senior profiles, 800€ for junior ones).



- > 18 years old.

- Solid and resilient divers able to work under stress for long hours and several days with limited rest.

- Willing to work in a team.

- Have satisfactory communication skills (English).

- In-depth practical and theoretical knowledge of the competition scenario (roles and responsibility in the various competition zones, main competition rules, setup and equipment, etc.).

- Knowledge of rescue protocols and main complications which may occur during a deep dive (pyramid system, rescue breaths, hypoxic and pressure-related accidents, how to recognize them, how to intervene, etc.).



- Able to perform drills under stress in the -30\-40m depth range (repeated dives, fast pace, short notice, carrying an unconscious diver, etc.).

- Able to perform solo rescues from -30m.

- Able to perform team rescues from -30\-35m in a variety of scenarios, including 30`` standby at depth, working within the pyramid system and including evacuation and extraction of the diver.

- Proficiency in using underwater scooters for rescue operations is a highly appreciated plus.

- An AIDA Advanced Depth Competition Safety Freediver certification is highly appreciated.



- Able to perform drills under stress in the -20\-30m depth range (repeated dives, fast pace, short notice, carrying an unconscious diver, etc.).

- Able to perform solo rescues from -20m.

- Able to perform team rescues from -25\30m in a variety of scenarios, including 30`` standby at depth, working within the pyramid system and including evacuation and extraction of the diver.

- An AIDA Depth Competition Safety Freediver certification is highly appreciated.


Application process:

- In order to apply, please send a short CV and motivation letter to

- Applications are open from May 12th until May 22nd, and will be evaluated by the AIDA Safety Committee in conjunction with the AIDA Board.


Best regards,


AIDA Safety Committee

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